martes, 31 de diciembre de 2019

Sacramento Erectile Dysfunction Clinic RenewMD Vitality Breaking Through Social Barriers To Help Men Talk About Taboo Subject

Sacramento CA – RenewMD Vitality a locally owned and operated erectile dysfunction clinic, based in Sacramento, California, is making significant progress with its aim of helping men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction.

The company identified that one of the biggest problems when dealing with the issue of erectile dysfunction was that men were too ashamed or embarrassed to talk about it, and ending up suffering both emotionally and physically as a consequence. Relationships often fail, and there can be a devastating impact on mental health as a consequence.

The company devised a program that incorporated both medical, emotional, and emotional types of treatment and embarked on a publicity campaign to encourage men to seek treatment, rather than suffer in silence. This has lead to a dramatic increase in new patients, and some very positive reviews from happy customers.

“We have seen the devastation that erectile dysfunction can cause to families, and we everyone at RenewMD Vitality is determined to help as many people as possible,” said Prithipal S. Sethi. “A big part of the problem is making people aware that there are solutions, and breaking through the barrier of shame and embarrassment, that men suffering from this issue inevitably feel. We aim to become the number one erectiledysfunction clinic in Sacramento, and we will continue to develop innovative and forward-thinking solutions, to encourage people to seek the help which we can deliver.”

RenewMD Vitality is a Health Clinic based in Sacramento. They provide comprehensive evaluation and safe, effective treatment options for both men and women. Their physicians are dedicated to excellent patient care and experts in the latest care techniques. For more information about the company and the various services that they provide, visit their website at

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019

Sexual Health Awareness and Social Responsibility

Sexual permissiveness is perhaps one of the most evident marks of post-modern society. We see it everyday. Just consider the music videos of popular artists with provocative suggestions of sex, as well as films touted to be artistically produced and directed. Even advertising makes use of subliminal messages of seduction to promote their products. While there is really nothing wrong with sex, adults have to be sensitive and responsible in dealing with sexual health issues especially when the youth is concerned.

Boys and girls will normally get curious and interested about sex as they go through physical and emotional changes during puberty. And due to media and internet access, our youth are easily exposed to a lot of possibilities about sex. The risks of acquiring Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STD are high in this age group. It is the responsibility of the parents to strike a balance between teaching their teens about responsible sexual health while, at the same time, making them understand that the knowledge about safe sex does not give them a license to engage in sex with every willing party and at every available opportunity.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STD are diseases caused by viral or bacterial infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact. STD affects men and women of all ages and backgrounds who are sexually active or engage in unprotected sex. People who are aware of STD may experience social, emotional and psychological stress due to guilt or embarrassment. But there is more to STD than stress and shame. There are serious sexual health problems that may cause permanent damage such as infertility or even death, as in cases of AIDS, if not given proper attention. But the good news is, STD can be treated.
The spread of STD is due to the common thinking of people that sexual intercourse is a requirement to get the infection. STD, like herpes or genital warts, can be acquired through skin-to-skin contact with an infected area or sore. The myth that one cannot get infected through oral and anal sex is just a myth. Viruses or bacteria that cause STD can enter the body through tiny cuts or tears in the mouth and anus, as well as the genitals.

The fact that it is difficult to tell whether a person is infected or not makes STD spread easily. People who are infected may not even know that they have STD, thus, endangering their partners with the infection without even realizing it. Sometimes, STD takes a long time to display any kind of symptoms.  The following are some of the most common STDs that affect sexually active individuals: chlamydia, gonorrhea, crabs or pubic lice, genital herpes, genital warts, and syphilis.
Just like with other medical conditions, preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases is much easier than treating them.

Abstinence from all types of sexual contact may be the only way to prevent STD. But people do not have to deprive themselves of sex as long as they remain faithful to their partners or at least, try using a condom to reduce the chances of getting STD. Other birth control methods may help prevent pregnancy but only latex condoms can lessen the risk of getting an STD.
People who are sexually active should consider getting regular gynecological or male genital examinations to give doctors not just the opportunity to check for STD while they are still in their earliest and most treatable stage, but also to teach people about STD and how to protect themselves.

People should always be honest to tell their doctors if they are thinking about having sex or if they have already started having sex. The more you hold back, the more chances you allow STD to develop and cause more serious damage.
There is a delicate harmony that balances guilt-free sexual health awareness, self-worth, and social responsibility. Parents need to be more willing to hold open discussions with their children. It is the duty of the parents to prepare their children in the matters of physical, emotional and social dimensions of sexual health and its consequences. STD is a serious sexual disease. It could happen to you.

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2019

Top 4 Treatments for erectile dysfunction you need to know about before heading to a urology clinic in Fremont

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a condition that affects men who can’t achieve or maintain an erection during sexual intercourse; it can also be called impotence. If a man has erectile dysfunction, then symptoms can include a reduced sexual desire or libido, and it affects as many as 30 million men—after 50 years old— in the United States. ED condition needs to be treated once it lasts more than a few weeks or if it has been an issue for months. The causes of ED are varied, and they include bad habits, obesity, and depression or anxiety.

But no matter the causes, knowing that you have erectile dysfunction may not be the greatest experience. Thankfully, there are many options to help treat it, whether it is through prescription medication, implants, or surgery. To help you clear your doubts, here we are going to tell you the basics of 4 treatments you could consider to fight impotence before heading to a urology clinic in Fremont.

1.- The Priapus Shot® (P-Shot)

This treatment is a safe, natural, and non-surgical procedure that incorporates the harvesting and injection of the patient’s own plasma, which gets enriched with growth factors (PRP) into certain areas of the penis to treat ED. The priapus shot can also be used for pain management in athletes to help damaged ligaments, joints, or tendons.

The P-Shot is a procedure that begins with localizing a numbing agent and apply it to the penis. This may take a while to take effect, but as soon as it does, the physician will then draw a small amount of blood from the patient’s arm and place it in a centrifuge device that will spin down the blood to separate the growth factors and platelets from the rest of the blood components.

The results of this process will be a highly concentrated platelet-rich plasma that will be injected into the head of the penis, and once this is done, the blood-derived growth factors will flare up the body tissue into a type of a more reliable and firmer one. Full results will appear in approximately 2-3 months.

2.- UroLift® System

This is one of the latest and minimally invasive treatments that are designed to treat enlarged prostate, which can lead to sexual dysfunction. Men with an enlarged prostate take prescription medications when they’re diagnosed with it, but medication doesn't have to be a burden, and with the UroLift System, men suffering from this will have the opportunity to avoid traditional surgery.

Basically, the Urolift System is a delivery device with tiny permanent implants that work by directly opening the urethra with tiny implants that can hold the enlarged tissue out of the way. Don’t worry about cutting, heating, or ablating tissue, as not all of them are involved in this procedure. The Urolift system is the first treatment that doesn’t remove any prostate tissue and can’t impact a man’s sexual function in a negative way.

3.- Alprostadil Treatment 

Alprostadil is part of the medication group called vasodilators, which means that this drug makes blood vessels expand, and boosts the blood flow throughout the body, including, of course, the penis, helping men with ED to have an erection. Alprostadil can be injected directly into the penis, or use it as a MUSE (Medicated Urethral System of Erection) suppository.

If you decide to go for this treatment, make sure you have ED, because if it’s not used properly, it can permanently damage your penis.

4.- COREWAVE™ Therapy 

When talking about new and exciting solutions to ED that can help the man with a healthier, stronger, and more satisfying erection, COREWAVE Therapy wins the prize. This therapy works by focusing on painlessly transmitting wave energy to the penis, which stimulates the growth factors that help blood vessels flow better. This treatment is known for providing the patient with lasting results, more if the person is nearly having early signs of erectile dysfunction or is under the effect of medications for ED. COREWAVE Therapy is a great option that doesn’t require surgery or medication and acts as a natural way of restoring the man’s erection

Future treatments for erectile dysfunction

What’s next in the world of erectile dysfunction? Well, future treatments may all be about providing medications that can work rapidly and have fewer side effects. Right now, there are several drugs that help with ED—Cialis, Levitra, Viagra, etc.—but other oral drugs are in store and ready to replace the classics. Some examples are:

Uprima (apomorphine)

Uprima is a pill that can be dissolved under the tongue. Uprima stimulates the brain chemical called dopamine, which many would know, heightens the sexual interest and sensations of the individual; even so, this medication is only available in Europe, because it is still a drug that can cause people to pass out. Clinical trials are being held to transform Uprima in Nasal Spray form, so it can be less harsh on the body.


Unlike Uprima, Topiglan is in the form of cream, one that is simply applied to the penis. Topiglan has alprostadil in its composition, and if it proves to be safe and effective, then patients that used to be injected or use a suppository will not need to keep doing so.

Melanocortin activators

These drugs go straight to the nervous system, and it has been shown through several studies on animals that they can produce an erection, when testing it on humans, suggestions demonstrate that these activators can be effective if given intranasally; but there’s still a long way to go to prove the effectiveness of this medication.

Gene therapy

Gene therapy produces products or proteins that may not be functioning accordingly in the penile tissue. If these proteins are replaced then it can cause an improvement in erectile dysfunction.  Human studies have demonstrated success with this therapy, but it will take a long time until this treatment goes under regulatory approval.

Are you looking for a reliable clinic? Find a trustworthy and dedicated team in Fremont today and make an appointment! We have the best urologists in Fremont, CA! 

Media Contact
Company Name: RenewMD Vitality
Phone:+1 510-319-3430
Address:210 Fremont Hub Courtyard Suite B
City: Fremont
State: CAL
Country: United States

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

How Enhanced Sex Lives Can Lead To Healthy Marriages

A number of couples restrict themselves from talking about sexuality and their sex lives. Some are shy while others are reluctant to open up with their respective partners. This approach to sexuality can lead to ruined marriages.  Sexuality is one of the key factors in having a healthy marriage. Sex is not just about satisfying each other's libido or sexual desires.  More than that, it is about effective communication and intimacy. Both partners should look forward to an entirely satisfying sex life along with the emotional connection that it entails. According to many health and marriage experts, it is normal for couples to encounter difficulties in their sexual relationship. Some of the common problems couples may encounter are boredom, lack of intimacy, low sexual desires, and lack of  passion in sex. Another cause may be the failure of one partner to perform according to the expectations of the other party.

Some wives claim that they often feel rejected when their husbands lack intimacy. Some of these sexual problems take a toll on the emotional and physical condition of people.  There are people who gained weight and lost their self-esteem in part due to poor sexual lives.  On the contrary, people who reportedly had active sex lives had become happier and closer to their partners. Robert Holden, a doctor who specializes on emotional health, says that sexual intercourse is not just an act of lust, but a form of communication and intimacy.  He said that, " of the big mistakes we make in relationships is that we don't give our best energy to the people that matter most. And I think that people should make time to be able to give some of your best energy to each other."

But what if one of the parties involved, particularly the men, fail to perform? Specialists advise men who have difficulty in their sexual performance to check and improve their lifestyle. Health experts believe that one's lifestyle— including food intake, daily work and domestic routines, and level of  physical fitness all play a role to determine a person's sexual health. They also believe that alcohol should be taken moderately since it is one of the major causes of sexual problems including impotence (erectile dysfunction) and premature ejaculation. A study on 17,000 alcoholic men revealed that after several years of zero alcohol intake, at least 50 percent of the respondents regained their normal erectile functions while the other 50% partially or completely achieved erection.

High blood pressure is also a major cause of erectile dysfunction. A study published in the Journal of Urology in 2000 showed that 68% of men with high blood pressure aged 40-79 experienced erectile dysfunction at one time or another. At least 45% of these cases were considered severe erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction occurs because high blood pressure keeps the arteries that carry blood to the penis to dilate. This causes the smooth muscles in the penis to reduce its ability to relax, leading to inadequate blood flow to the penis that hinders the erection of the penis. In addition, high blood pressure in men may lead to low testosterone level. Testosterone is the male hormone that plays a crucial role in the male sexual arousal. Cigarette smoking and consumption of fatty foods are the leading causes of high cholesterol, which leads to high blood pressure.

Health specialists advise individuals to exercise and undergo other physical activities. These activities however should be done moderately to avoid over-training. Clinical studies show that proper exercise may enable the body to produce more testosterone. Additionally, a substance called endorphin is produced when people exercise. These endorphins gives periods of relaxation and bliss and relieve people who exercise of the stress and anxiety that they experience.

Over-training, however, is one factor that is considered to contribute to sterility. An investigation by health experts revealed that over-training causes fatigue, which then temporarily reduces sperm count and affects its quality. Specialists say that this happens because the body literally "kills" itself during training. To build muscles and improve the body, it needs to recuperate to attain normal cell development. Intense physical activities may reduce the level of hormones in the bloodstream that affects sperm production. Medical experts believe that sperm levels return to nearly normal after about three days. They added that drinking coffee after a few hours of training may protect sperm quality because of the antioxidants that are found in caffeine.

Studies show that frequent sex between married couples lowers feelings of insecurity and increases the level of commitment. The whole process deepens their physical intimacy and strengthens their bond of love. Understanding sex between married partners may lead to improved and fruitful marriages.   Openness, willingness to experiment, and mutual trust should be the cornerstones of a healthy, active sex life between married couples.  After all, love is supposed to be fun and exciting!

Sacramento Erectile Dysfunction Clinic RenewMD Vitality Breaking Through Social Barriers To Help Men Talk About Taboo Subject

Sacramento CA – RenewMD Vitality a locally owned and operated erectile dysfunction clinic, based in Sacramento, California, is making sig...